суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

advice on changing career

Ughhhhh everyone on the planet is so freaking flakey. Whatapos;s up with that?

I did fine on my palpation midterm, I donapos;t know my exact grade but I know I passed. My current average in Anatomy and Physiology is a 96, though I havenapos;t taken the midterm yet and that will affect my average greatly, but you know.

Iapos;m learning some favorite songs on guitar, I want to play them to Jackeeapos;s voice. Iapos;m seeing her tomorrow, really exciting. Iapos;m supposed to see Patrick tomorrow too if he ever calls me. Ugh. I hate life, I shouldnapos;t be thinking about this so much.

Hannah is coming to New York in a matter of days This is terribly exciting. I canapos;t wait.

I taught a class of pre teens today and it went well. I gave a massage that I felt really confident in yesterday, and the girl who received it told me I was "definitely in the right field." Yussss. Now I just need a table

"Why, why oh why oh why, why is it always like this?"

I should really post some recent pictures one of these days if I ever take them.
advice on changing career, advice on buying to let, advice on buying land, advice on buying an mp3 player.

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