суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

chinese traditional dishes

I pay my car insurance monthly so I get my disability check on the 2nd Weds of the month direct deposit.My car insurance is due on the 13th of the month and is on auto-pay.As of today it has not been paid , so I call my insurance agent to find out what the deal is they say that it came back NSF. I said thanks for letting me know whats going on,the agent said I should contact my bank to find out what happened.When�my mail�came I found the letter from the insurance company that my bank refused to pay my car Insurance.Off I go to my bank to find out what happened,My bank pulls up my account and shows me that no dollar amount for my car insurance was entered and the mistake has to be on the insurance company end. I call my agent back and they say its the bank fault not theirs and it will me an extra $25 because its my banks fault not theirs.I said Iapos;m not paying the $25 because they screwed up not my bank so they told they will call me back after they will check into more and see what can be done. Now a little history I have had the same checking for 21yrs and this car insurance for 90 days so who do I�to believe? The time is now 5:40 so its been 2.5 hrs since I talked to the agent.

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